3 People You Need When You Apply to Grad School
As you go through the application process, you may find that you naturally build a support system. You will find yourself going to people to get questions answered and to have your application materials reviewed. It is important to have 3 distinct people as you go through this process to support you and make sure you are submitting the best application possible!
- An Editor
Even if you have the best grammar and a real way with words, you will eventually miss some detail in your application materials. The good news is, there are so many resources, especially if you are an undergrad, for having your application materials reviewed. Contact your writing lab or career center on campus and ask if there is someone you can work with on your application. For the best results, you should meet with them multiple times as you finalize your materials and be sure to have them proofread the final product! - A Mentor
This is someone who understands what engineering grad schools are looking for and how to put your best foot forward on your applications. This could be a professor, one of your recommendation letter writers or an older grad student. This doesn’t have to be a formal mentoring relationship, just another person who can look over your application, give you pointers and answer questions. - Someone to keep you accountable
Grad school applications can be overwhelming, especially if you are completing them while still in school. It is important to make a schedule for yourself, but you should also find someone who will help you stick to it! This could be another friend who is applying to grad school, another friend or even your mom! You just need someone who you can check in with and who will encourage you to stick to your schedule!
If you need support going through the application process, contact me at natalie@sheengineered.com to set up a free 30 minute consultation or click here to sign up for a full coaching session!
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